1. Are you so busy that you are exhausted by the time you get home from work/school and have no energy left for friends or family let alone yourself?
2. Are you stressed beyond words about all the obligations and commitments you have?
3. Do you feel guilty about saying no?
4. Does your life feel unbalanced?
5. Most importantly, are you experiencing health problems as a result of this extreme stress and exhaustion?
If you answer yes to any of these you may be suffering from the "
Superwoman Syndrome," which has become a major issue in the lives of most women today. We are so stressed, busy, tired, and irritable because we have too much on our plates. And get this, we think we can do it ALL and we HAVE to do it ALL. I mean, if we don't swoop in and save the day with our cape and superpower abilities to cook, clean, help the kids with their homework and yell at the dog all at the same time, who's gonna do it? Matter of fact, how dare someone else to do it! Because we are...
I am guilty! Arrest me, lock me up, and throw away the key! It's crazy but I pride myself on being able to do so much. I even give myself a little pat on the back and say "
You go girl!" There are times when I feel guilty for sitting still. Can you believe that? It's like I constantly have to do something. Crazy huh?
But is this the way we are supposed to live? Is this the way God wants His daughters to live? I honestly don't think so. So let's really start to evaluate our lives and how we are choosing to spend our time (because it is a choice). Let's stop being busy just to be busy. We don't have to
do all and
be all. We should enjoy life, relax, have fun! Then life will stop being as stressful and the people in our lives can feel blessed to be around us!