
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Excerpts from Freedom of Simplicity: "Secret Ministry"

I am reading this amazing and challenging book by Richard J. Foster called "Freedom of Simplicity." It talks about how to live a simple yet full life as a Christian and shows us how this discipline can transform our lives. Foster knows that life is anything but simple, but he encourages us to live in harmony with the difficulties of life through prayer, solitude, and spending time with God in His Word. It's helping me to evaluate so much in my life as to how I spend my time and money, what I think about and even pray about, and what's really important in life. With all that is going on in the world today, the business, demands and obligations, it's easy to become sucked into society's pressures. I want to live a simpler life and be more in tune with God and how I can serve others. Don't you?

I will be sharing parts of this book that really challenge me and I hope it challenges you as well. This little excerpt speaks about a "secret ministry" we can have with others throughout our day that connects us and them to God. I love it!

"Have you ever tried to live out your day so that you fill each moment with the thought of God? I do not mean that you are to cease normal activity. Oh no! Just the opposite. Bring God into each activity, infusing it with the divine Light. One night I made a high resolve: every person whom I saw the next day I would consciously try to lift into the light of Christ...Then as I went through the routine of my day I sought to beam prayers at each one I met. I asked for discernment to perceive what was in people, inviting Christ to comfort those who seemed hurt, encourage those who seemed weary, challenge those who seemed indifferent. We can help people immensely in this secret ministry."

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