There are people and relationships that I have held on to for years through some very hard times. There are others I have ended gradually and sometimes easily. I believed I genuinely loved the person but in the end I just didn't see the need to continue the relationship.
Why is that? Why do we fall in and out of love so easily, and I'm not just talking about romantic relationships. It could be a with a close friend or family, a passion we once pursued wholeheartedly, any relationship we were once so committed to that just kind of fizzled.
I know their are certain relationships we may have to end because of serious reasons that cannot be repaired or reconciled. But more often than not, don't you think our love and commitment to relationships is weak, complacent, even soft and easily damaged?
Determined, persevering, bullheaded, fixed, firm, persistent, relentless, steadfast, unshakeable....all of these are synonyms of the word stubborn.
What if we really started loving people the way God loves us, Stubbornly? These verses help describe and demonstrate the love of God that I believe we should emulate:
Psalms 36:7; 136:26; Romans 8:38-39; Lamentations 3:21-22; Ephesians 2:4-7; Jeremiah 29:10-14
Over and over Scripture describes God's love as steadfast, enduring, long-suffering, in other words stubborn. I mean He sure does love the nation of Israel in spite of all their rebellion! And the same with us! His love is unfailing. Boy we sure can learn from Him huh? your love a stubborn love? Are you persevering in your relationships, through the good times and the bad? Are you fighting for love (I know, so cliche :) We should though! And as we evaluate our relationships, let's think about the benefits of loving others stubbornly. I believe our relationships would be steady and lasting, and there would be much less heartache because we won't be walking away so easily! Ahhh, I'm know I'm a sap but I honestly believe this
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