Whether it's which job to take, what school to go to, which church to attend, which car to buy, we all know life involves making decisions. (And frankly as Americans we have too many choices that don't make decision-making any easier)!
I hear so many Christians, including me, struggle when making these types of decisions. We worry and even procrastinate because we want to make sure that we are following "God's will for our lives." Sometimes we won't even make a move towards something until we are certain that it's a part of God's plan. (We have this obsession with the future). And then if we do take a leap of faith and it doesn't work out like we thought it would, we question our "wrong decision" and fear that we missed out on God's best for our lives. Boy do I struggle with this!
But what if there is more
freedom in decision-making than we had ever imagined? What if God trusts His children that are spending time with Him in His Word and through prayer, and are consulting with other believers to (gasp)
make their own decisions? What if we as Spirit-filled believers are capable of choosing between two or maybe even three good options?
A guy on the local radio station 89.3 KSBJ put it this way and it really made sense to me,
"God's will is not always, if ever, connect-the-dot. God may have an umbrella of blessings available for you and is just waiting for you to pick one." Sounds like freedom huh? Sometimes it may not be a matter of yes/no but sure/sure.
I believe the freedom to choose
is a blessing to those who are walking with God daily and are already in His will through daily obedience.
Furthermore, God consistently reminds us in Scripture not to worry about our lives. He tells us in Matthew 6:33 to
"Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." If we are seeking and obeying Him daily, we are already in His will!
God's will is NOW, it's not some far-away life we have to chase and find.
So whadya think? Still trying to connect the dots? Well, I'm still learning and I want to share two books with you that are helping me with this topic. Feel free to post your thoughts and comments. :)
Gerald Sitter's Kevin DeYoung's
The Will of God as a Way of Life Just Do Something
Also read and meditate on these Scriptures:
Matthew 6:25-35;
Romans 12:1-2;
1 Thessalonians 4:3-8;