
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Quote of the Day

"People are not what they do...they are someone God loves."
Taken from The Uncommon Woman by Susie Larson

Getting Ready for Fall

So excited for fall! Time to bring out the scarves and boots ladies!

"Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?"

Dinner parties, especially with loved ones, are fun! It's relaxing to kick back and enjoy each other's company and fellowship over a good meal. Great conversation, great fun, good vibes going all around. Good times. Friendly atmosphere. Everyone feels comfortable and at ease, right?

Maybe too comfortable...

I have always been intrigued by what Jesus says in Luke 14:12-14 "And He also went on to say to the one who had invited Him, “When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, otherwise they may also invite you in return and that will be your repayment. But when you give a reception, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, since they do not have the means to repay you; for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous."

If we really think about it, the people we normally invite over to our homes for dinner can return the favor. Sometimes we take turns hosting, like a pay-back.

But I think here Jesus is challenging us to invite the poor and the disabled people, the untouchables of society, the ones who cannot extend the invitation back to us.

Yeah I know it sounds scary and may even be inconvenient and uncomfortable for us to invite a blind person over or someone in a wheelchair. Or a poor and struggling mother who has nothing to offer. But shouldn't we be ministering to those people too? Shouldn't they be able to experience love, hospitality, and fun times at the dinner table too?

As I'm thinking about the home I am going to have soon, I wonder who is going to be at my dinner table?

I don't want the same people at the table over and over again. I can just imagine days when my family and I will play the Guess Who's Coming to Dinner game and we get all excited about the awesome people we have over!

Sidenote: But first I have to get the cooking part down so they can have a tasty meal to enjoy and want to come back lol!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Quote of the Day

"Anyone who willingly enters into the pain of a stranger is truly a remarkable person."
~Henri Nouwen

I concur!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Remember This?

Don't laugh at me yall but I love oldies music and I keep hearing this song everywhere! And I still remember all of the lyrics!


Love this chica's style!

Devotional Thought: Notes from Proverbs

This morning I took time to study the book of Proverbs. I am facing some decisions that I will have to make in the near future and am in need of wisdom and guidance from the Lord. Here are a few of the key points I learned from this study and I pray that it blesses you too!
  • Discernment-giving thought to ones' steps- Prov 14:15; 16:21:3
  • Whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way- Prov 19:2
  • My ears only listen to words of knowledge- Prov 23:12
  • God's purpose will stand-Prov 19:2
  • An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, the ear of the wise seeks knowledge- Prov 18:15
  • Ponder how to answer-Prov 15:28
  • Humility comes before honor-Prov 15:33
  • Commit my work to the Lord and my plans will be established-Prov 16
It's always best to go to God when making decisions and trust that He will guide us!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Quote of the Day

"Fulfillment is not a goal to achieve, but always the by-product of sacrifice."
~Elisabeth Elliot

Interior Inspiration

I really like the colors and patterns. I could learn some lessons about being bold and daring!


Monday, October 17, 2011

Quick Update


Hey guys and girls :)

I've been doing a lot of writing lately and am waiting until I am satisfied with my work (and have time to edit it) before I present it to you all. So you may be seeing fewer posts from me but don't fret, I'm still writing!

Here's a preview of upcoming posts.
  • Book Review on Praying for Strangers (which was absolutely awesome and I'm going to share with you my new resolution)
  • The Untouchables (new series on the throwaways of society)
  • Are We There Yet? (Waiting on God)
  • Overlooked Blessings
  • Chronic Pain (How pain becomes a part of our everyday lives, and not just the physical kind...)

So much good stuff to come so hang tight! Thanks for reading!



Quote of the Day

"God is your Source, everything else is a resource."
~Dr. Tony Evans

Friday, October 14, 2011

When We Stand Together

Heard this new song by Nickelback on the way home from likey!

Quote of the Day

"If you are having difficulty loving or relating to an individual, take him to God. Bother the Lord with this person. Don't you be bothered with him-leave him at the throne."
~Chuck Swindoll

Thursday, October 13, 2011

True Beauty

1 Peter 3:1-6 "In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives, as they observe your chaste and respectful behavior. Your adornment must not be merely external—braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. For in this way in former times the holy women also, who hoped in God, used to adorn themselves, being submissive to their own husbands; just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, and you have become her children if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Speaking of being courageous...

Going to see the movie this weekend!

"Don't Speak"

As a person who stutters, I have never experienced discrimination or ridicule in a classroom setting by a teacher/professor. Matter of fact, most of my teachers had no idea I stuttered because I never spoke up in class! But what this guy had to experience was just hurtful and plain wrong.

Click on the link below to read.

Crazy, huh? I applaud this guy for being persistent and making sure he gets heard in spite of. I wish I was more courageous like that!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Back in the Day

Am I really just an Introvert?

I'm beginning to disagree with this introvert/extrovert distinction. I think we can be both and we should be. I've always considered myself and have been told by others that I am an introvert, meaning I enjoy spending time alone and actually need the time to refuel away from others, I'm mostly soft-spoken, and very introspective. That is pretty much true but I also think I have an extrovert side to me...

Some moments I do like to be alone but I enjoy being with people just as much. I love laughter and serious conversations, I like the work I do which involves working with people and helping others. I enjoy talking to friends and family and spending time with them. It feels good to have relationships and people who care about you and want to spend time with you.

The Reader's Digest Great Encyclopedic Dictionary's definition of extroversion is "the turning of one's self-interest toward objects and actions outside the self rather than toward one's own thoughts or feelings." I realize I need to bring out more of this side of me! It's in there! Contrary to my introverted side that focuses on myself a lot, I am reminded of the verses in Phillipians 2, "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others." (vs. 3-4)

What I'm realizing now is there has to be a balance between the two, not an either/or. I should be aware of myself and of others. Bottom line, I'm not going to say I'm an introvert anymore.

Quote of the Day

"Sometimes what we see as a curse one day becomes a blessing the next day. How much more simple it would be if we would learn to thank God for everything instead of using our own judgment."
~Corrie Ten Boom

1 Thessalonians 5:18 "In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Quote of the Day

"Prayer is not merely an occasional impulse to which we respond when we are in trouble; prayer is a life attitude."
~Walter A. Mueller

Friday, October 7, 2011

Natural Hair is Beautiful

Isn't she so cute?!

Love Unashamed

He flips over on his back, lifts his arms to get his tummy rubbed. He knows what he likes, he goes for it unashamed, no fear involved. It's like second nature to him.

Oh, but it is a risk!

To be vulnerable, not knowing if you are going to get what you desire, possibly even what you need.

Yet he takes the risk. He holds nothing back.

He goes for kisses on instinct. He doesn't think, plan it out, or wonder if she's in the mood or not.

He's spontaneous.


Eager to express his love, loyalty, and appreciation. Not waiting to be asked. He offers it.


My Puppy

So much we can learn from him.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

It's Just a Music Thang

Music is another one of my sweet escapes, 2nd to reading of course... I just put on some jamz and I'm outta there!

Here are my latest iTunes purchases:
  1. Stereo Love by Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina
  2. Waiting for Tomorrow by Mandisa
  3. Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve
  4. Out of My Head by Lupe Fiasco
  5. Keep Your Head up by Andy Grammer
  6. Hold On by En Vogue
I had a wide variety of taste in music as you can see!

Mr. Know It All

I've always liked Kelly Clarkson and her big strong voice since her American Idol days. Now she's back and this song is on my top 5 list. I think you can apply this message to anyone or anything that is trying to bring you down.

"You don't know a thing about me!"

Be Creative

OMG I really need to do this! I have so many necklaces and they keep getting tangled and it's driving me crazy!

Click the link above to learn how to make's definitely on my to-do list!

Also check out this photo wall, makes me want to start taking pictures more!

My First 5K!

So I did my first 5K!! It was called Run for Recovery, supporting people who are in recovery from drugs and alcohol abuse. The race was hard for me but my boyfriend was very supportive, cracking jokes the entire time we were out there lol. He's great.


We had a blast with my friend who's been encouraging me to run this whole time. She is pretty awesome and really loves to run! We all plan to run the Texans 5k race again together this month...already getting pumped up!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Do Everything for His Glory!

Such a good song!

1 Corinthians 10:31 "Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

Colossians 3:17 "Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father."

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Love is Simple

I'm totally in the Love Zone lol. I'm intrigued by love, confused by it, overwhelmed by it, and terrified of it all at the same time! This is a rough draft of what I've been working on lately. Nowhere near finished; I'll add to it as the thoughts keep rolling.

Love is simple. It is. Just do it. We, the people that make up relationships, make it hard. All the hassle, drama, expectations, obligations, frustrations. It's too much.

Simplify. Love. Cherish. Treat each day and each person as if it were your last and they were the only people on earth. I know that's cliche but just try it. See how simple it feels, how light and freeing love really is.

Because love is freedom. Freedom from selfishness to selflessness, bitterness to forgiveness, a sense of duty to pleasure, a desire to receive to a desire to give. You will never know how free you are until you truly love.

Tell me your thoughts :)

Quote of the Day

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Gift in My Lap

I'm learning that

Every person,
Every opportunity,
Every struggle,
Every circumstance,
Every interaction.
Every relationship,

are all gifts. 

I'm choosing carefully how I unwrap them.

Quote of the Day

"Prayerlessness results in failure to receive many of God's blessings."
~ESV Study Bible