Psalms 8:5 "Yet You have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor."
I just love this Psalm! It is so powerful and speaks highly of God and us, His creation. Particulary the last part of this verse caught my eye as I was reading in the ESV Study Bible this morning. It comments being crowned with glory and honor means mankind is "God's kingly representatives." Now that sounds like an awesome privilege and responsibility!
However, often times I forget I am representing the King. I am a follower of Christ yet I am not consistent with that being displayed in my everyday life. Lately I have been thinking and praying about my relationships and interactions with people whether it is with my mom, boyfriend, clients, colleagues, friends, family, and even strangers. I want my relationships, words and actions to be pleasing to the Lord and resemble His loving and gracious character.
God knew He wanted us to represent Him (He made us in His own image according to Genesis 1), and thankfully He provided help for us to do so. I am beginning to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to enable me to represent God well. I know for a fact that I cannot do it in my own strength. I need His Spirit to help me be patient with my boyfriend when he annoys me, to be empathic towards my clients and what they are going through, to be loving towards my mom when she is having a bad day.
We, as followers of Christ, are King's kids! We represent the King and what an honor that is. So let's show the world who our Father is!